We fix WordPress problems

We offer both one-time and ongoing WordPress technical support. Never have a WordPress issue again.

✅ WordPress theme and plugin support
✅ Error and bug fixing
✅ WordPress migrations
✅ Malware cleanup and security protection

Why Fix My WordPress Site?

1. Request a WordPress Fix

Add your task to our system through our simple process. Our WordPress experts will help you.

3. Sit back and relax

We will work on your website task and let you know once we are complete.

Simple & clear fixed pricing

Here are some common examples of WordPress tasks we can do for you.

Fix a hacked site
If your site has been defaced by a malicious third party, it is important to not only clean the infection but to stop it from happening again. We’ll remove the source of the problem, add some protection to your site, and set you up with our backups to add another line of defence in future.

WordPress Migration
Need your site moved? We’ll handle it for you, ensuring 100% uptime and consistency of data. We can even help you to change DNS and preview your site before it goes live in the new location.

Speed up a WordPress Site
A slow site forces customers elsewhere. There are optimisations we can make that reduce loading times, for example by caching data to stop a site being. This can cut the bounce rate on your website and improves the experience for your visitors.

Regular Updates
WordPress must be updated along with all plugins and themes. Updates can cause conflicts or errors or may clash with web server settings such as PHP versions. We’ll take care of this all for you.

Proactive Monitoring
Our advanced monitoring system will automatically run checks to ensure sites are working as they should. Should downtime be detected, a task will be auto-generated and an expert will begin investigating the issue immediately. Only available on a maintenance plan.

Other common requests include:
• Fix the white screen of death
• Configure a WordPress Plugin
• Setup DNS Records
• Setup website caching
• Fix a WordPress Database connection error
• Contact form issues
• Fix PHP Errors
• Tweak CSS

Questions? Our support team work 24/7 and able to answer any questions you may have.

Expert WordPress
Developer support

Because we offer non-stop 24/7 support, we can work on most issues immediately (and continuously) until they are finished.

For more involved tasks which may require ongoing correspondence with you or a third party, we may tie it to one team member to ensure one person works on an issue, or assign it to others if that team member finishes their shift. Our aim is to provide you with the best service we can as a long-term partner.

Track progress online

Our purpose-built task management system, lets us handle your requests securely and efficiently. We communicate with you by secure chat thread and automatically monitor your site as soon as you sign up with us. When you hire our WordPress experts, they will keep you updated.

If you give us login information in order to work on your site, it gets encrypted and is only accessible by our staff when working on your task. You can track who has viewed the information and delete it from our system when we’re done.

We can also set up and configure website backups, which we take twice a day and scan for potential security issues or unexpected file changes.

Direct Communication

Requesting a fix puts you in direct contact with one of our engineers, through our purpose built secure system.

We don’t use contractors or outsource any work. All FMWPS staff are employees who work in our three offices in Australia, New Zealand and Vietnam.

Don’t worry if you aren’t sure if you have the right information for us, or if you struggle to describe your website problem accurately. We’ll work with you to gather the data we need and aim to have you sorted as quickly as possible.

Our Guarantee

Every WordPress issue or task we undertake is handled by an experienced WordPress expert, whose main role is to ensure that your issue is sorted efficiently and well and that you are happy with the service you have received.

  • Satisfaction Guaranteed. If you are unhappy with the work we’ve done, we’ll refund you.
  • Quick Response. Most issues are resolved within 2 hours!
  • Diligent Teams. Website support is our only role; it’s not a value-added service. It’s our only focus.
  • Backups Taken First We’ll take backups before starting any work, which means we can roll back at any time should there be any issues.

Don’t let issues occur in the future.
Choose a WordPress Maintenance and Support plan.

Our WordPress maintenance plans give you the ability to create unlimited website tasks with no limit on the number of hours we work. In addition, we will back up your website, perform daily updates of your WordPress core, plugins and themes – as well as continuously monitor your security setup, website health, and site speed. We can even host your website. There’s no minimum subscription period – cancel at any time.

Unlimited Tasks & Fixes

Our fixed fee maintenance plans mean our WordPress experts can do can do unlimited work on your website.

Web Hosting

Managed WordPress web hosting hosted in the Cloud. Optimised by our team specifically for your website.


Backups of your website taken at least twice a day, stored offsite and never deleted.

Regular Updates

We take care of all your WordPresstheme and plugin updates, ensuring they do not break your site.

Initial Website Audit

Our engineers will manually audit your website, document how it works, and make recommendations if required.


We protect your site from malicious attacks and malware, fix discovered vulnerabilities immediately & keep everything secure.

Website Monitoring

We monitor your website constantly. If downtime or errors are detected, we will leap into action.

24/7 Support

Engineers are available at all times. We usually start working on new requests within 30 minutes.

It’s impossible to list out all of the tasks we can fix – but here are some of the most common.

Fix a hacked site
If your site has been defaced by a malicious third party, it is important to not only clean the infection but to stop it from happening again. We’ll remove the source of the problem, add some protection to your site, and set you up with our backups to add another line of defence in future.

Fix Connectivity
Need your site moved? We’ll handle it for you, ensuring 100% uptime and consistency of data. We can even help you to change DNS and preview your site before it goes live in the new location.

Fix Configuration
The WordPress configuration file is the core of your install, setting the main features and linking your site and database together. An error can break, or complicate your website.

Fix Mail Delivery Issues
Contact forms can provide basic errors, or simple not deliver mail correctly. By working out the logic of where mail goes and why it might not deliver, we can diagnose the problem and provide a solution.

Fix File Uploads
File uploads can either error or silently fail. This is usually a simple fix – either the upload path or folder permissions. Let us get it working as intended.

Fix White Screen of Death
White screens of death are usually caused by php errors or timeout. Our tech team will follow a step-by-step process to identify and fix the offending cause.

For Domain and Hosting related issues

We can work with any domain names and/ or DNS provider as well as hosting, as long as we have the required access. We will of course guide you for any clarifications.

Configure DNS
If you have new records to add, need an external provider setting up, or want to move DNS from one provider to another, let Fixed.net handle this for you. Whether A, CNAME, MX, TXT or any other record type, we will add the record, ensuring that it has propagated to all of your nameservers and that it resolves from various locations.

Setup Google Apps and Emails
Configure MX records as well as CNAME records for Google Apps. If verification is required, we will walk you through the steps you need to take with Google.

Change Site Domain
Change the domain name of your hosting to another. This may involve pointing the DNS of a new domain, updating the hosting configuration, and redirecting the old domain so as to avoid lost customers, dead links and duplicate SEO penalties.

Optimise / Clean Up Hosting
A check through of an existing hosting account, removing superfluous files or problematic old content, clearing unused plugins and cache files. We’ll also lock down areas that should not have public access allowed and check file and folder permissions.

Activate SSL
Set up an SSL certificate on your hosting environment, allowing your visitors to view it using https://. This may be constrained by access from your host, but we can assist with workarounds if required.

Update PHP Settings
Edit your php.ini file to change settings such as max_execution_timeupload_file_size, or to show or suppress error messages. Change and upgrade php version if possible.

Transfer Domains between Providers
Moving domains between providers can be fiddly. Let us handle the process for you and deal with any hurdles that arise. If you are missing information or encountering a problem, we’ll outline the issue and help to resolve it.

Add CloudFlare
Cloudflare is an external DNS provider which can also help protect you from DDOS attacks and malicious users. We will move your DNS to your Cloudflare account and set your domain to route via there.

Audit Hosting
A check by one of our experts that your web hosting is configured correctly. Checks include location, security, software versions, performance, underlying software and more.

Website Migration
Move your website from one provider to another using our excellent website migration service. We can provide preview links and perform the migration at a time of your choosing.

Force SSL
Force an already installed SSL certificate on your website, so that all users are required to access your site securely without any browser errors or trust issues.

Setup Backups
Configure both files and databases for regular backups to the FMWPS server. We will set up backups in the best possible way for your site.

Audit DNS
Have us check over existing configuration and records, flagging any errors. We can also remove superfluous entries, and provide a report summarising your configuration.

Setup Custom Nameservers
Custom nameservers allow you to use ns1/ns2.yourdomain.com rather than your web host’s nameservers. As long as your provider allows it, we will configure this with the registry so than you can use these vanity nameservers.

Configure Hosting
Configure a blank shared hosting environment for your needs; this involves setting up domains, subdomains, and providing you with the correct account credentials, assisting you with uploading and running your website.

Migrate Database
Move a website database from one server to another, maintaining uptime and consistency. This can be done while keeping the files and website running as is.

Configure Redirects
Set up redirects in your .htaccess file, avoiding conflicts with applications. From old pages to new, or from old domains to new domains; they are vital for good SEO.

Restore Backups
Roll back a website to a previous version. This can be done in the FMWPS control panel but we are more than happy to do it for you.

Fast WordPress support and WordPress issue fixes

Sign up today to hire our WordPress experts to fix your website problems. No matter what you need, our paid WordPress support is affordable and dependable. If you’ve searched for WordPress expert near me, then we can help remotely – you don’t need one of our team to be physically close to you for this service.

What we can’t do but can recommend trusted partners

We provide a technical service that compliments your design and development team. We have a few limitations on what we can’t do, because we have to balance the ‘unlimited’ aspect of our offering. Here are the things we’re not able to do for you.

Contact us below and we can introduce you to trusted partners to help with these types of tasks.

Bulk Data Entry
Force an already installed SSL certificate on your website, so that all users are required to access your site securely without any browser errors or trust issues.

Custom Development
If you need a new feature, we can usually find a plugin that will achieve what you want. However we cannot develop you custom features, or modify a plugin to do what you want.

Web Design
We’re extremely talented technically, and can make your site work very well. But we’re not creatives — that’s a task best left to a designer. We tend to work really well with design agencies because we compliment what they do and don’t compete.

Build A New Website
We manage existing websites. We don’t create new ones. Loads of development agencies use us though, so we can usually make a recommendation to suit your budget.